International open tender procedure within the project TO 0 WASTE
Date: 19 December 2024
The Municipality of Tuzi, Street 1 No. 44, 81206 Montenegro, announces an international open tender procedure for “Supply of waste removal trucks and mobile recycling yard”. The subject of the tender is purchase of vehicles for collecting and transporting sorted waste, vehicle for collecting of bulky waste and mobile recycling yard, in order to enable local Public Utility Company to organize collection and transport of waste in Tuzi municipality. The procurement is being conducted within the project “Toward Zero Waste“ – TO 0 WASTE, subsidy contract ID HR-BA-ME00184, with financial assistance from the Interreg program for cross border cooperation (VI-A IPA CBC) Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro, co-financed by European Union.
The deadline for submission of tenders is 28th February 2025, 11:00 hrs Central European Time.
The tender dossier is available from the following Internet addresses: https://tuzi.org.me/cg/international-open-tender-procedure-within-the-project-to-0-waste/; https://www.opcinakonavle.hr/2025/01/07/medunarodni-otvoreni-natjecaj-u-okviru-projekta-to-0-waste-nabavka-kamiona-za-odvoz-otpada-i-mobilnog-reciklaznog-dvorista/; https://www.mostar.ba/projekt-to-0-waste; https://interreg-hr-ba-me.eu/project/procurements-tenders/; https://ted.europa.eu/en/ or by sending a written request for the documentation to to0waste.tuzi@gmail.com. Any additional information or clarifications will be published at the same Internet addresses.
Tender Dossier (download link)